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Do you know someone?

Good day

We can sometimes take the ease with which we are able to access Christian content, for granted...

 We're able to physically attend a church service, watch it online, watch teachings on You Tube, satellite TV, through church websites, on apps; We either have a physical Bible or a Bible on our smartphones via the You Version app (or both), we have access to reading plans, books; We attend courses at church or Bible College; We have small groups where we fellowship together and discuss the word of God.  

It's easy to forget just how blessed we are to be able to access all of these resources and to have these opportunities, and can take for granted the enrichment that it brings to our relationship with God - as well as the enrichment that it can bring to those around us.

We encounter people almost daily (petrol attendants, waitrons, security guards, car guards, cleaners, gardeners, a tea lady at the office, cashiers, shop assistants, receptionists;  acquaintances and colleagues in the workplace; extended family; neighbours) and for the most part we never know if we'll ever see them again. We never know whether they attend church or have a Bible or whether they even know anything about God at all.

We have opportunities to capitalize on these moments and one of the ways we can do so is by asking them for their contact details so that we can share these resources with them.

In my experience people have always been open to this, and almost without fail, said they were happy to receive  encouraging Bible scriptures and were willing to share their contact details with me.

Some of the ways the Holy Spirit has led me to share God's word with others is in the form of sending out Bible verses via sms to those who don't own a smartphone or have access to the internet, as well as post letters to them.

The messages that are published on this blog are also sent out via email and WhatsApp. 

They are also posted on the following Facebook page: 

This is how you can help my friend - as you find yourself in various places, engaging with people from all walks of life, take a moment to ask them for their cell phone number or email address, so that they too can receive and be blessed by these messages.

Let us continue to reach those around us with the word of God. 

If you know of anyone who would like to receive these messages, then upon their consent, please contact me and I'll gladly add them to the distribution list.

2 Timothy 4:1‭-‬2 AMP
I solemnly charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by His appearing and His kingdom: preach the word [as an official messenger]; be ready when the time is right and even when it is not [keep your sense of urgency, whether the opportunity seems favorable or unfavorable, whether convenient or inconvenient, whether welcome or unwelcome]; correct [those who err in doctrine or behavior], warn [those who sin], exhort and encourage [those who are growing toward spiritual maturity], with inexhaustible patience and [faithful] teaching.

2 Timothy 3:16‭-‬17 AMPC
Every Scripture is God-breathed (given by His inspiration) and profitable for instruction, for reproof and conviction of sin, for correction of error and discipline in obedience, [and] for training in righteousness (in holy living, in conformity to God's will in thought, purpose, and action), So that the man of God may be complete and proficient, well fitted and thoroughly equipped for every good work. 

Thank you