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Part 14 - Changing your current experience

Good day

In the previous two messages I spoke about regret and ambition. For today's message I'd like to build on from there and speak about "current experience".

Once we've moved on from the regret of the past and have established our ambitions (or goals), we can now start to assess/evaluate our current experience. This process of reflection helps us to compare where we want to be/ or what we want to become with where we are right now. It helps us to make the necessary adjustments to ensure that we're on track. It shows where we can be/do better going forward.

So the question is, what does your current experience look like?

I watched a movie recently where someone said that the only real certainty in life is death, but what is not certain, is the next decision that you're going to make. The amount of possible choices that you could make within the next month is immeasurable. For example, let's say you wake up Monday morning, you could decide to go to work like normal or you could decide not to go to work and instead, hop on a bus, take a flight or take a walk somewhere. You could decide to go out for breakfast or eat in. You could decide to visit a family member or a friend. You could decide to go to the beach and take a swim. You could decide whether you want to come home that evening or stay out. You could decide whether to go by yourself or take someone with you ... The list of potential options or the manner in which the day could play out has many possibilities .... The point is, you decide what choices you're going to make.

So in other words, where death is a certainty and we have no control or choice over it - what we do have is the power to choose how we'd like to spend each day while we're alive on the Earth - and all of those choices have endless possibilities ... So when it comes to your current experience, what would you like to change about it because you have the power to make a choice that can alter your current experience, and ultimately your future.

I read the following quotes that I thought they were quite relevant:

🔵 "It's better to fail trying to fly than to sit in the nest and die"

🔵 "Be the actor in your life, not the audience"

🔵 "The bad news is, time flies. The good news is, you're the pilot!"

In other words, don't be like someone who stands from afar and watches their lives go by - be someone who takes control - who takes charge - be the star of your movie (because it's your movie, no one else's).

If you're not happy with your current experiences today in light of the things you'd like to see change in your life, whether based on learning from past mistakes (regret) or as a result of reflecting on your ambitions and realising that you're not on track like you should be - then change it!

Make the necessary adjustments to ensure that you have the future you want to have - The future and destiny God has called you to and the one He died on the cross for you to have - The destiny you'll be eternally rewarded for - and a destiny that reflects a life of gratitude for all that He means to you.

Be encouraged to make the change my friend!
